What is The Challenge
Show ShortyUrl is diferent
What is The Solution
Careful branding to showcase personality
How is The Result
A website that builds up trust
— Branding & Website
Client : ShortyUrl
A short link is a powerful marketing tool when you use it carefully. It is not just a link but a medium between your customer and their destination. A short link allows you to collect so much data about your customers and their behaviors.
But that’s the tech side that other companies may also be able to provide; what no one else provides is the care and support ShortyUrl team extends to every single one of their users.
The Challenge
ShortyUrl more than showcasing their tools, wants to make sure their users knew they are there to support them.
The Solution
The website is designed to be the point but friendly, to convey the company values in the way ShortyURL team intends to.