CiviCRM isn’t an ordinary free and open source CRM. It’s built to help non-profits, charities, advocacy groups and NGOs manage their operations around growing relationships with their members and constituents. A fully integrated CRM solution, CiviCRM includes support for managing contacts, communications, events, advocacy campaigns, fundraisers and more. CiviCRM can run in several CMS systems, including Joomla!, Drupal and WordPress.
CiviCRM helps organizations grow and sustain strong relationships over time.
CiviCRM is web-based, open source, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations.
Forging and growing strong relationships with constituents is about more than collecting and tracking constituent data – it is about sustaining relationships with supporters over time. To this end, CiviCRM has created a robust web-based, open source, highly customizable, CRM to meet organizations’ highest expectations right out-of-the box. Each new release of this open source software reflects the very real needs of its users as enhancements are continually given back to the community.
With CiviCRM’s robust feature set, organizations can further their mission through contact management, fundraising, event management, member management, mass e-mail marketing, peer-to-peer campaigns, case management, and much more.
CiviCRM is localized in over 20 languages including: Chinese (Taiwan, China), Dutch, English (Australia, Canada, U.S., UK), French (France, Canada), German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Swedish.
Evaluate CiviCRM Features
- Create new contacts via Web forms or via manual intake
- De-dupe contacts
- Edit contacts
- Manage household relationships (eg: spouses)
- Manage affiliations (eg:employer/employee relationships)
- Create groups of contacts (for access and mailing list purposes)
- Create criteria-based ‘smart groups’
- Access holistic contact records showing contact information, contributions, activities, notes
Activity Management
- Meetings, Tasks, Notes, and Attachments all in one place
- Roll Up to see activities from related records
- Latest activities widget, easy view of historical information
- Create multiple membership levels for multiple organizations and/or chapters
- Customize membership statuses and rules
- Create multiple custom online membership forms for self-service sign-up and renewal
- Create access to site content based on membership
- Create membership-specific e-mail subscription groups
- Cearch and list memberships by date, type, status, contact info
- Create automatically renewing memberships
- Automatically send membership renewal reminders
- Identify advocates
- Tag & search advocates’ skills
- Tag and search advocates’ availability
- Register advocates for projects using events registration feature
- Gather reports on advocate participation in registered events
- Identify grantors
- Tag & search grantors
- Record grants as pledges
- Allow grantor to make online payments (if applicable)
- Automatically notify grantor re: pledge payment due and outstanding balance of their pledge
- Create grantees as organizational contacts
- Tag contacts as grantees
- Cllow grantees to manage organizational profiles
- Cllow grantees to submit letters of inquiries
- Cllow grantees to submit full proposals
- Create workflow for evaluating and managing grants
- Accept pledges
- Credit contributions towards pledges
- Automatically notify pledge-maker re: pledge payment due and outstanding balance of their pledge
Product Management
- Create Product Catalogs
- Integrate Products with Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts
- Manage Product Items and quantities
- Define contribution types eg: in-kind, cash, volunteer time
- Create & collect custom contribution data fields
- Create multiple, custom online donation forms
- Accept one-time and recurring online contributions
- Accept online contributions with premiums/gifts
- Accept pledges (unpaid gifts)
- Accept recurring gifts
- Accept tribute gifts
- Accept contributions with product premiums
- Accept offline contributions
- Automatically generate e-mail receipts
- Automatically generate printable thank you notes
- Allow team peer-to-peer fundraising
- Allow individual peer-to-peer fundraising
- Allow campaign fundraising (plus campaign pages, contacts, events, email)
- Search contributions by type, amount, date etc.
- Generate reports/real-time analytics
- Import existing mailing lists (attaching to special interest ‘groups’)
- Collect subscriber information via Web-based form, create contacts, attach to special interest ‘groups’
- Collect primary and alternate mailing addresses (and e-mail addresses)
- Update multiple mailing lists via criteria-generated ‘smart groups’ (eg: all donors over $500 in D.C.)
- Personalize mailings (with contact salutations and other custom fields)
- Auto-create addressee/mailing name and salutations (for thank you e-mails, letters)
- Override auto-created addressee or mailing name on physical mailings
- Fulfill mailings
- Automatically manage multiple mailing bounces, unsubscribes
- Report on success of mailings opens, click-throughs
- Create multiple mailing templates
- Tell a friend feature
- Define event types eg: meeting, conference
- Create & collect custom events data fields eg: meal preference
- Register event participants as presenters, volunteers, attendees
- Create multiple events pages
- Create multiple events pages
- Create Google Map of event location
- Create multiple events registration forms
- Accept registrations
- Offer additional ancillary events and products (free or additional cost) during event registration
- Create waiting lists
- Option to require administrator approval (moderated event registration)
- Self-service registration of multiple participants
- Tell-a-friend about the event and social network sharing (Twitter, Facebook, Google +)
- Schedule and automatically send event reminders and event follow-up communications
- Accept online payment
- Automatically generate e-mail receipt
- Allow participants to export events as iCal files
- Allow attendees to configure online apps w/ iCal feeds
- Generate event attendees lists
- Search for participants by event, type, role etc.
- Report on success of events
- Archive events