Hawkins Holdings


What is The Challenge

An Irreverent Brand


What is The Solution

Careful branding with typeface


How is The Result

A website that tailored and flexbile services

— Branding & Website
Client : Cuta Copter SA

Hawkins Holdings

At Hawkins Holdings (H3) LLC, they offer adaptive, responsive, and proactive services for businesses. With have an amazing team comprised of industry leaders including ‘C’ Level Executives, Patent Attorneys, Litigation Attorneys, Mathematicians, and Compliance Personnel. 


An incredible lineup of experts, they can create customized solutions that perfectly cater unique needs helping others bring to life their vision and create new and innovative environments for new and exciting products.

The Challenge

A modern design that doesn’t disconnect from the brand.

The Solution

A four-part solution that produced revenue growth in less time, stores critical data, and enhances the customer experience.